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Beauty Lies in the Hands of the Beer Holder


The first thing that strikes my mind when I hear the word Beer, is the scene of a pub with loads of merry making, cheers with mugs filled with beer and foam coming out of the glasses.


From the time immemorial, Beer has been the world’s most widely consumed and probably the oldest alcoholic beverage. It is the third most consumed beverage of the world after tea and coffee.


Beer is usually prepared by brewing and fermentation of starches derived from the cereals particularly malted barley. Other substitute being corn, rice etc. Beer is then flavored with the addition of Hops which gives a bitter taste to the beer and acts as a preservative.


Fermented beverages have been successfully involved in both western and native societies for about thousands of years.  It has been believed that every culture has occasionally discovered the potential for grains to be converted into alcohol.


The true origin of beer is cloaked in the mists of hoariness. There is no correct evidence of how the first beer came into being.  An age old story tells us that a bowl of barley was left exposed to the elements and was moistened causing grains to germinate. Air-born yeast got settled on the surface of the resulting liquor, thus began fermentation process. The intoxicating effects of this liquid then went on to change the course of history.

Health Benefits


Sometimes, a chilled glass of beer work wonders, especially when you are at the game or visiting your neighbourhood pub with friends.

But can a chilled glass of wonder be a part of a healthy lifestyle?

Shocking but true:  Beer is fat-free, cholesterol free and low in carbohydrates.  A 341-ml of beer has 5% alcohol and 5g of carbohydrates. So enjoying beer in moderation can actually be a healthier choice than soda or sugary fruit cocktails.

Some Nutritional values:

1) Beer has a constituent of hops, barley and wheat, so the nutrients include B vitamins, riboflavin, niacin and zinc.

2) A bottle of Beer contain 92 mg of potassium, 14 mg of calcium and 48 mg of phosphorus, all minerals that is essential to a healthy diet.

3) 2 glasses of beer can provide 10% of your recommended daily fiber intake.

4) Beer contains antioxidants. A study suggests that the level of antioxidants found in blood is elevated after beer is consumed.

When choosing a beer, the key is to select a flavour you enjoy and always exercise restraint when you’re out at the pub. 

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